'Forbidden' links to accompany the 'Broadstone' data seteconullnetr::Broadstone.nodes
Abundance and body mass data to accompany the 'Broadstone' data seteconullnetr::Broadstone.prey
Macroinvertebrate abundance data to accompany the 'Broadstone' data frameeconullnetr::Silene.plants
Flower abundance data to accompany the _Silene_ visitation networkeconullnetr::WelshStreams
Part of the food web from upland streams in south Wales, UKeconullnetr::WelshStreams.fl
'Forbidden' links to accompany the upland streams food webeconullnetr::WelshStreams.order
Additional data to assist with plotting outputs from 'WelshStreams'econullnetr::WelshStreams.prey
Macroinvertebrate abundance to accompany part of the food web from upland streams in south Wales, UK